Monday, November 16, 2009

We've done a ton of great things, so we'll start off with recounting the progress we've made:

~Last night, Green Fund was passed by the WSA!
-It passed by 31-1 votes!
-Has been meeting consistently
-Had a great Free Market yesterday
-Awesome day of climate action at Lieberman
~Green Scene has been amazing every week, and is now posted on the blog
~Dan Drew
-We met with him, unfortunately he lost
-We initiated low carbon Fridays
-ECO to go is now in Usdan
~Energy Star
-Policy that all new appliances are energy star rated
~Water bottles
-There is an anti-water bottle campaign being undertaken by the dining committee
~Activist workshop
-Took place
~Speaker from the Climate Project came and talked to some students
~We've been in almost every Argus
~Farmer's Market has been consistent and amazing
~Do it in the Dark has been expanded to program houses

Campaigns and Committees:

Green Fund

~Julia Michaels, Julia Jonas-Day, and Josh Levine have been working really hard on this
~$15 per semester fee that students can opt out of
~$70,000 a year to be managed by a committee of students for sustainable initiatives on campus
~Created a resolution, was passed by the WSA
~Now we need to pass it by the student body by a 2/3 vote in December
~They are doing lots of writing and publicizing if you want to help
~Meeting tomorrow

~Low carbon Fridays: not many complaints
~Bon Appetit has been very satisfied with our traylessness
-Students aren't really complaining either
~Eco-to-go hasn't been selling a lot, but the program itself is going well
-Hopes to send out a mass-campus mail about the program
~Has put up anti-bottled water fliers
-There is potential for getting bottled water out of WesShop
-Wants to put some kind of water bottle installation in Usdan
-Decided that they will use the slope of wall by the stairs to make a hippie-ish beaded curtain thing
-Will be coupled with an educational component
-Bill Nulligan is on board and told us we can get Jeff Miller from Physical Plant to give us collection bins
-Installation should go up in December
-Let Anne ( know if you want to put collection boxes out near your residence
~If you ever have any ideas for Bon Appetit, even if they aren't sustainability related, ask Anne
~Encourage people not to steal cups and silverware, and not to sneak in, it's driving the cost of our meal plans up for next year!!
~They meet Thursdays at 9pm on the black couches at Usdan

SAGES Waste and Recycling Committee
~Resubmitted a waste minimization proposal
~Dainty and the city of Middletown will begin to recycle all plastics
~Compost is on hold due to broken green machines
~Star and Crescent is composting
~Usdan is not, so we need to be in touch with them

~Meeting regularly
~We had a Free Market yesterday
~It went so well! People want to see more!
~They want to have another one, this time in Mocon
~They have talked about trying to get a free store open in 190 High
-For those who don't know: 190 High is a free space for any student group to use at will
~They meet Mondays at 9pm in the Woodhead Lounge

~In December in Copenhagen, there is a global conference on climate change to reduce carbon emissions to 350 parts per million
~Little is being done on the US political front because politicians don't want to deal with it
-We need to push for something to get passed, so it's better than nothing
~Josh is going to represent us in Copenhagen!
~They had their awesome rally planned for Friday, but it was forecasted to rain, and it did, so they post-poned the rally for the first weekend in December (tentative)
~They are going to partner with some people from Middletown
~15 people still went to Hartford and met with representatives for Dodson and Liberman
-They promised us they would work as hard as possible to put their initiatives that the top of their agenda
~The whole world is watching Liberman and his plan to work between the right and the left
~Today, Josh and Dan talked with Daniel Rosengarten
-The house bill had a 4% reduction, so the senate bill made some increases
-Compromises are going to be made, but that's politics; things are still happening.
~Their photo petition is beautiful and huge and awesome

~Food Fight is on Wednesday, from 8-11pm in the CFA hall
~Director will be there
~There are still about 30 beds to turn, so there will be an event called beds and breads
-They will be baking bread on Wednesday in the Butt B kitchen and will cook it on Thursday
-It starts 11am on Thursday to turn beds and eat fresh-baked breads
~Farm House is having an open house for people that want to live there
~There is a women's health event on Friday, if you'd like to attend, RSVP Alex Ketchum
~Meeting Thursday, 9pm at 190 High every week

Blog business
~Post lots of things!
~The Green Scene is now posted there every week, along with the all-EON meeting minutes every three weeks
~If you would like to post on the blog, log onto using the gmail username and password (email aprovo@wes to get it if you don't already have it)
~For questions about posting, formatting, etc email Alex (aprovo@wes)

New Business
~Josh is collecting information on unnecessary lights
-If you see any spot where you see energy being used where you don't think it needs to be used, tell Josh (

~350 wants a bunch of student groups to sign on and show support for these things

~Josh really wants to organize a green pre-orientation trip
-He would love if someone would help look at what other schools do, and do a little research
-Email him ( if you are interested
-Encourage your friends to use it!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Minutes (10-19-09)

Brief Advertisement for Dan Drew:
~Dan Drew was just here, and was pretty impressive
~He had a pretty good answer for everything they threw at him
~He's extremely open to working with Wesleyan
~He talked about how he can appoint students to boards and the Clean Energy Task Force if he's elected
~Register to vote in Middletown and vote for him!
~Dan Fisher passed around voter registration forms

Group/Campaign Reports:

Waste/Compost: Emilie Knight (
~Has had a slow start, but it's ok!
~They ran a time for seniors in wood-frames to pick up buckets
~There are a bunch of buckets with stickers at the shed, feel free to go pick one up
~They hope to hold workshops on how and where to compost
~They need to come up with something fun and interactive to do at the Pumpkin Fest
~They need people-power!
~Winter is coming, and it's hard to start compost in the winter, so now they are researching information on compost at other schools to show the administration that we are behind, and this is how things need to be done
~Alex Provo suggested putting together a compost website
~Someone suggested bringing a green machine to Pumpkin Fest to demonstrate how to use it

Pumpkin Fest: Alex Ketchum (
~There are still lots of tables available, if you'd like one, email Alex

SAGES: Sarice Greenstein (
~Wednesdays at 9am: Sustainability Subcommittee meeting
-If you want to go, talk to Sarice
~If anyone is doing things related to SAGES, email Sarice and let her know what's up, they might be able to help

Farmer's Market: Melody Chang (
~Meetings: Monday, 5pm, PAC 104
~Market this Wednesday from 11am-2pm in the Usdan Courtyard
-2nd to last out-door market
-There will be hot apple cider!
-Exciting new vendors: sheep products and raw milk!
~They are working at feature vendors
-There will be a masseuse at their first indoor market
~They are looking for a treasurer
-It won't be a lot of work, just keeping track of funds and checking in with vendors at each market
~They also need people to help with advertising
~Their Market Coordinator and Volunteer Coordinator are going abroad next semester, so they will be looking to fill the ranks next semester
~Julia Michaels brought up that we can't swipe meals at the Bon Appetit table
-Someone else commented on the lack of vegan options at that table

Dining: Anne Rosenthal (
~Meet Thursdays at 9pm on the black couches at Usdan
~They are working on their bottled water campaign
~Strumpf thinks we can get rid of bottled water and is researching a plan at Syracuse
~They secured low-carbon Fridays at the Usdan Marketplace
-Every Friday there will be no red meat
~They are tabling to promote the Eco-To-Go initiative
-You can now buy in to the program at the Cafe
-Bon Appetit has agreed to expand it to Usdan at lunch
~They want to do mail stuffers on GOOSO paper to advertise how to recycle
~If you have any sustainability related comments for the dining committee, just email Anne, because Bon Appetit is being very receptive
~Julia Michaels suggested putting up signs that are specific to Wesleyan near the recycling bins
~Someone suggested trying to push for corn-based plastic containers again
~Melody brought up wrapping the sandwiches in paper instead of the containers

WesRUM: Alex Provo (
~Meet Monday nights at 9pm, usually in the Woodhead Lounge
~They do lots of cool projects
~They made books one week and recycled t-shirt scarves
~They are planning a clothing swap and free-market for after break
~Bring stuff from home back with you from fall break
~They would like to have a regular free market
-They are still trying to find a building to host it in
~They also want to do a film screening
~If anyone wants to help poster after Fall Break, that would be awesome

Bike Co-op: Josh Levine (
~Compiling paperwork for a proposal
~If anyone wants to help with the document, talk to Josh

Do It in the Dark: Josh Levine (
~This year they are expanding it to program houses!
~They also want discussions, so there is a lot more participation than there has been in the past

Green Fees: Julia Michaels (
~The Green Fund will be an additional tax added to the student activity fund voted on by the student body
~The WSA meeting about it went really well last night
~Now they are trying to form the committee to oversee it
~There will be a meeting tomorrow night, 10pm 1st floor Usdan
~If you have any input, go to the meeting and help work on the proposal
~They will be voting on the proposal in 2 weeks
-After they approve it, there will need to be a 2/3 referendum by the student body

350: Dan Fischer (
~Make sure to get your picture taken with the 350 sign if you haven't already
~This Thursday, there will be a meeting in Usdan in the basement at 6pm with Greenpeace
-There will be a short film screening
-Professor Royer will be speaking
-They want to make a giant 350 on Foss Hill to take a picture to be displayed in Times Square with similar pictures from around the country
-The picture will probably be at 6:15pm
~In November they will follow up with a demonstration at Senator Liberman's office
-They want lots of people there
-If you have any ideas or want to be a part of it, let them know
~Their big event will be in November, after they get all the police permits
~Melody suggested defining a more exact time for the picture, and emailing the whole student body about the event
~If anyone wants to help with posters, let them know

WesU: Sam Bernhardt
~He has an environmental show, so if you ever need to publicize, talk to him

Live Campus: Hannah Monk (
~Waiting on the website to get put up
~They are really on hold until Brandais updates the site
~They will be meeting after break to check in

Green Scene: Hannah Monk ( and Melody Chang (
~Any praise or comments or suggestions, please email with "Green Scene" in the subject line

X-Prize: Ben Firke (
~Ben's working really hard on this
~They are stalled because they are looking for a loophole
~They can't use funding for prizes

Discussion of the new structure

~Lots of praise for Green Scene
~Sarice brought up the possibility of having the meeting every 3 weeks instead of 4
-People seemed to approve of this idea

New business:
-This year they are having regional Powershifts
-Josh is going to the one in PA this weekend
-If you want to go, talk to Josh (
~Carter is coming homecoming weekend to speak on Saturday, November 7th at 4pm
~Outing Club does WOOTs
-Josh wants to make one where students can spend time at school learning about how sustainable things
~Josh is going to Copenhagen
~Talk to your friends at other schools, find out what they're doing
~If any groups need further publicity, you should use the EON blog
-Email Alex ( and she would LOVE to teach you how to use it

Monday, September 21, 2009

Minutes (09-21-09)

~Passed around sign in sheets

Introduction: by Anne and Josh
~Our coordinators run the meeting, they are the point people if you have questions
~It's so great to see such an amazing turn out!
~We are here to serve EVERYONE and provide a network for getting involved
~This is the biggest year for environmental activism ever! President, Congress, etc
~These are OUR issues, and we need to confront them head on
~We won't get to our goals through one campaign, it's the combination of all our hard work
~The administration is totally on our side, even if they don't have the capital to back that support
~This year we even have a social coordinator!!!
~We have put a lot of work into getting to this stage, it's set, so now it's up to us to step up to the plate and do the work

How EON works:
~There have always been a bunch of committed students
~Last couple years there has been a lot of questioning of our efficiency
~We've revamped our structure, so we're better than ever
~We are a network that exists to provide the resources, the people, and the collaboration
~The real work is done in sub-committees that meet once a week
~EON as a whole will only meet once a month to report progress between groups
~Two coordinators: Anne Rosenthal & Josh Levine
~Social coordinators: Emilie Knight & Alex Provo
-Informal get-together spaces to talk and share ideas
-Brunches, pizzas, parties, etc.
-If you want to host an event or party, talk to them!
-They will provide a little fun and structure if you'd like to host your own
~Secretary: Hannah Monk
-Takes meeting notes and collaborates with the Webmaster to compose newsletter
~Webmaster: Melody Chang
-Weekly newsletter to compile everything
-Conferences, events, ways to get involved
-Green Scene will go out every Monday evening
-If you have anything you want included, send it to by Monday afternoons
~Treasurer: Meggie McGuire
-If you need money for anything, contact
~Any questions about the structure, feel free to ask the coordinators

SAGES: Sarice Greenstein:
~Sustainability Advisory Group
~Committee meets once a month, but there are sub-committees that meet at least twice a month
~They are responsible for recycled paper, solar panels, zip cars etc
~They are:
-Green building, recycling, compost, energy, procurement, education
~This is how we are connected to the administration
~It's very important and student-driven

Landscaping: Nora Christiani:
~Trying to convert campus to native plants and less pesticides
~Now is the time for implementation
~They want to focus on the areas that they are leaving grassy- pesticide-free lawn-care
~It can also have a real impact on the surrounding neighborhood

Compost: Emilie Knight:
~We have started pre-consumer compost at Usdan, Pi Cafe, and Star & Cresent
-It's being collected and Physical Plant transports it to the Earth Tubs
~We have two working and one soon-to-be-working Earth Tubs out at Long Lane
~We also have 10 green machines located around campus
-You put material in it, close it, and tumble it
~Now we're working on institutionalizing the system and keeping it going
-The first step is an email going out through Reslife on how to get a bucket for your living space and what to do with your compost
~Would love ideas, energy, and people that aren't afraid to get a little dirty

Roosevelt Institute: Jeff Bizinkauskas:
~Wesleyan's student policy organization
~Connected to other student policy think-tanks across the country
~Have a really awesome website
~Four years old, small membership
~Has a lot of potential
~Engage, empower, and promote ideas to encourage change
~They meet and discuss policy, help students write policy, and publish a journal at the end of the year
~They hope to have a blog in addition to their website
~They want to work really closely with EON, because they want ideas turned into policy
~You can get published and spread your ideas

Awareness: Leslie Xu:
~Put up fliers, worked on a short eco-commercial
~This year they want to go into residences and have face-to-face discussions
~They want to work on a presentation/forum, maybe a slideshow
~If you like presenting things and talking to people, or working on the computer and writing things
~They want to be a vehicle to get the word out for other projects

WSA's X-Prize: Ben Firke:
~Tried last year but is raring to go this time
~Committed to sustainability for years
~Have worked on traylessness and removing paper towels from dorms
~Want to make a strong alliance with EON this year
~Want to come up with as many ways to reduce the waste this campus produces
~They want proposals to go straight to President Roth
~They are going to offer cash prizes for detailed proposals for reducing our school's consumption of resources
~They need people to design & put up posters, and to work on the website
~Even if you don't win the money, your idea will be considered and possibly implemented
~Tentative deadline for submissions: end of the semester

Farmer's Market: Melody Chang:
~Happens every other Wednesday
~Every other Wednesday, things need to be set up before the market, and help the vendors unload all their goods
~During the market they have an information desk where they have recipes and fun information
~There is also clean-up after the market and advertising before the market
~Students run the market
~It's still young and growing, so if you have any ideas for expansion, let them know
~They are trying to involve the community more and get approved to accept food stamps

Live Campus: Hannah Monk:
~Started by students at Brandeis two years ago
~Concerts go on at campuses around the country to raise money for a Millenium Village in Africa
~A Millennium Village is created using sustainable farming techniques, clean water, better medicine
~Got really far on it last year and didn't receive funding
~So now they are ready for action!
~They need people to screen and select bands, contact bands, make and sell tickets and shirts, and work the show
~It's a great way to get involved if you love music

Green Fees: Julia Michaels: & Julia Jonasday:
~Went to Powershift in DC
~One of Wesleyan's biggest issues is funding
~We need an institutionalized source of funding for sustainability
~It's a fee that tacks onto tuition
~If there is a 2/3 vote on campus of probably around $20
~It is possible to opt out
~It's going to be a slow process, but they need a lot of support throughout the process
~Pretty much everyone at Wesleyan is interested in sustainability, but might not have the time to show it, so this is a way they can contribute
~Ideas to use it: clean energy, better-insulated senior houses
~It's time for Wes to get on board

CT Forest & Parks Association: Annie DeBoer:
~Work to preserve over 800 miles of state hiking trails
~Depends mostly on volunteers and members
~It's the first year of community partnerships
~They want to plan and go on hikes, help them maintain their trails
~They need help with education, their website, public relations, film events
~This weekend they have a hike with elementary students for trail maintenance
~Meeting Wednesday at 8:30

350: Juliana Gaertner:, Dan Fischer:, Aja Mathews:
~We need to get below 350 parts per million
~They flooded senators with calls today
~In December, the UN is having a summit in Copenhagen to decide the global treaty for the next ten years
~It's a fair, ambitious, and binding treaty (FABulous!)
~They are planning a huge event on October 24th to involve everyone and spread the word about 350
~They need ideas for what they can do before the 24th of October
~Whatever group you are a part of, they need your ideas

Bike share/Rental: Legit: Josh Levine:
~Trying to get bike sharing project going on

Dining Committee: Anne Rosenthal:
~Pushed to get rid of trays
~Bon Appetit is really receptive of our ideas
~They want to do a public awareness campaign to reduce water bottle usage and meat consumption

Dan Drew: Miriam Berger:
~He's young and not awkward
~He wants to get rid of a sewage plant on Route 9
~He wants to get students involved in his campaign
~Work with the WesDems
~If he gets elected, we could have a say in his policies!

WesRUM: Alex Provo:
~Reusing Materials
~Waste Not Tag Sale
~Wants to keep our stuff within the community
~Get people involved with tag sales, clothing swaps, etc
~Want to get people involved next semester with Waste Not

GreenPeace Global Warming Campaign: Nick Boskovich:
~Put pressure on Obama to make him a climate leader at Copenhagen
~Wants to hold a screening for "The Age of Stupid"
-It broke the record for most viewers in one night

Long Lane: Alex Ketchum:
~Student run organic farm
~CSA- Middletown community members own shares
~Contribute food to the local food bank
~Used as a place for learning within the community
~There is no commitment or hiearachy
~They are having Pumpkin Fest on Halloween

Floor is opened to everyone else for new campaigns:
~Sustainability interns are in charge of Do It in the Dark, but it's going to become a group, so stay tuned for more details

Other Notes:
~This Saturday Yale is having a big get-together for environmental activism
-If you are interested, talk to Josh