Monday, March 19, 2007

Minutes 26 Feb 2007

Facilitator: Izaak
Icebreaker: SNOW DAYS!


NEW Biojustice Group, (Brian)
-relating to environmental and social justice
-to combat ‘biotech industry’
-profit driven farming industries (factory farms—lead to climate change, environmental racism, small farm deterioration, eg. terminator seeds in Mexico)
-If you are interested, meet Wednesday 8pm Mtg. Rm. 2 in Campus Ctr.!
-ALSO: April 22-29- Biojustice events (during Earth House’s Food Politics Week)
-April 29: Rising Tide Road Show –touring in Bio bus (veggie oil!) spreading awareness about global climate change in connection with social justice movements
-Also, Food Sovereignty Speaking Tour- small business farmers resisting pressure from large companies
-needs money: Can EON cosponsor the entire event or host/run a workshop on environmental justice, etc.?
-this might be a topic for full group discussion!!

Latkes vs. Hamantaschen- does anyone want to debate the environmental
-eg. Latkes use more oil…
-contact Sarice!

Dumpster-diving Documentary (Jean)
-5 school documentary, various end of year “stuff” management systems
-On Youtube:

Science Building Committee- looking for a science major member
-Interested? Email someone from the Green building group…

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