Monday, November 19, 2007

Meeting Minutes 12 November

Meeting Minutes
Hey guys,

Here are the minutes from last week's meeting, Nov. 12...sorry to post them SO late.

Icebreaker – things you like that start with the first letter of your name

Announcements –

  • Meeting with ITS – Green Month for ITS; campaigns to save energy

Two campaigns that we’re sponsoring together

1. Shutting off computers in the labs (when not using them)

-Josh recommends getting software

-Harik bought timers for printers

2. Getting GOOSO printer in the ST lab

-during summer, double-sided printers on the way

  • SAFT – trying to add more shuttle service, publicize current publication

- i.e. DATCO = Hartford/New Havan corrider

- 6:30pm on Wed.

-; their blog is linked from EON’s

  • Sustainability meeting = mildly productive

- Nelligan determined that there are 5 subcommittees

1. Transportation

2. Procurement

3. Green Building

4. Energy

5. Recycling/Waste

- If you would like to be on some, please contact us

- FEAR: when there is no structure, no way to maintain system

  • Feet to the Fire – interdisciplinary project of art/science

- Ann Kaarlson = looking to explore

- Landfill Festival = art projects, food

- Environmental Exhibits or Art

  • PowerSHIFT = 14 students went

- How to create a youth voting bloc

* create bigger change by electing representatives

* be part of voter drives – coalition with WesDems

(10% registered to vote)

- How to see a movement through start to finish

* setting concrete, measurable goals

* find targets

* making events more powerful

- Revelation: you can do something!

* if we accomplish 50% reduction by 2050

- Food and climate change

* voluntary day a week in which you don’t eat = if all Americans did that, equivalent to taking 8 million cars off the road

- Mine campus for all resources on campus

* e.g. Gary Yohe, government professors

* engaging all groups (frats, republicans, etc)

- Environmental issues related to other important issues

* we don’t always build coalitions, see connections (e.g. War in Iraq)

- Session in which we broke out into state groups

* Trinity sent 50 students

* got a lot of contacts, will compile and share

  • New subcommittee = Beyond Wesleyan

- working on campaign; there is a bill for 35% reduction for car emissions

- phone-a-thon/email-a-thon at Usdan (we got 60 people to contact their reps; 30 senators got contacted)

  • Focus the Nation = Sunday 7 PM to talk about

- Met with Barry Chernoff; we have tentative schedule of speakers

- We would like to bring in headliner speakere

- Majora Carter = her mission of environmental justice
Meeting Times:

  • Procurement = Wed., 6PM, Usdan
  • Waste = Recycle Toss! Thurs., 11:30/12-1PM, Usdan
  • Events = Thurs., 12PM, Usdan
  • Energy = Thurs., 4:15PM, Science Library
  • Focus the Nation = Fri., 12PM, Usdan

31 people!

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