Monday, March 19, 2007

Minutes 19 Feb 2007

(Elisa now knowingly monopolizing this board)

Facilitator: Sarice
Icebreaker…Mocon! Yeah!


Sustainability Committee Meeting WITH Recycling Committee Meeting Wednesday, noon at the Cady Admin. Building on Long Lane
-make sure it’s a distinctly different committee from the recycling
-4 to 7 people are interested in being on it- Ashley will email Bill

Middletown Sustainability Expo- a few contacts, may have a location email Ashley (acasale) if you’re interested

BioJustice Event- “Rising Tide Road Show” is asking for sponsorship from EON
-ask him to our EON meeting (Ashley will)
-Virginia wrote to him on behalf of Earth House (for food politics week)

Campus Progress Grant- for Ashley’s March for Peace
-will use EON’s bank account- no one objected

Board of Trustees Meeting, Friday 2/23, 4-5pm, Zelnick Pavilion
-meet at 3:45 in the campus center to walk in as a gang
-Follow up on the last meeting’s business
-Compost money! Get the trustees interested in the program

Recycling “Tag Sale” (Allison Burson’s idea)- during Finals Week
-EON and Long Lane staffed
-reserving hockey rink now
-talk with Amanda if you’re interested in working on the project
-what about the Freecycle pods- perhaps they could be all but clothing…

Brendan’s Project with the AIA (right?? Sorry, I didn’t catch it!)- in
the works!

Roosevelt Inst.- “nation’s first student think tank”,
(public policy by students) ---meets most Tuesdays at 8pm
-CT state-wide conference (w/ Rosa DeLauro) around Apr. 21st
-environment, possibly composting in CT
-input about professors, speakers, etc.

Heating Meeting with Peter Staye
-found out about heating in buildings
-rooms are (usually) not individually controlled
-reducing heat DOES reduce energy use
- energy is generated specifically for heat
-Unless you have a thermostat in your room, you do not waste energy by opening a window. However, you might get yelled at by Stacy Baldwin. If your room is too cold or too hot, file a work order with Physical Plant. If they don’t respond, email Stacy Baldwin!

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