Monday, November 26, 2007

Meeting Minutes 11/26

Meeting Minutes
facilitator: morgan
icebreaker: fav mode of transportation
laura: there's double-sided printing in sci li! OMGGGGGG
when you go to printer: says "copies" scroll down to layout, says double-sided printing off, JUST PUT IT TO ON! HAHA wow.
party this weekend? 10 pm on friday at 34 fountain! woo.

focus the nation (happening on jan. 31st): we need speakers. Julian will send a form letter so we can send letters to people we think could be a good speaker. everyone should contact at least one person!
categories: science, policy/response, social justice
more info in email

vote for allison in next week's WSA election
talk to izaak if you want to be on the WSA (increase green presence)

for next meeting: bring list of things we've done so far this semester (for institutional memory)

apparently we shared space with para la familia.

procurement: every printer can print double-sided! perhaps they just installed something and just didn't tell us.
HOW TO: when print page comes up, click drop down that says copies and pages, go to layout, says normal, choose double-sided printing.

facilitator for next week: sarah

Monday, November 19, 2007

Meeting Minutes 12 November

Meeting Minutes
Hey guys,

Here are the minutes from last week's meeting, Nov. 12...sorry to post them SO late.

Icebreaker – things you like that start with the first letter of your name

Announcements –

  • Meeting with ITS – Green Month for ITS; campaigns to save energy

Two campaigns that we’re sponsoring together

1. Shutting off computers in the labs (when not using them)

-Josh recommends getting software

-Harik bought timers for printers

2. Getting GOOSO printer in the ST lab

-during summer, double-sided printers on the way

  • SAFT – trying to add more shuttle service, publicize current publication

- i.e. DATCO = Hartford/New Havan corrider

- 6:30pm on Wed.

-; their blog is linked from EON’s

  • Sustainability meeting = mildly productive

- Nelligan determined that there are 5 subcommittees

1. Transportation

2. Procurement

3. Green Building

4. Energy

5. Recycling/Waste

- If you would like to be on some, please contact us

- FEAR: when there is no structure, no way to maintain system

  • Feet to the Fire – interdisciplinary project of art/science

- Ann Kaarlson = looking to explore

- Landfill Festival = art projects, food

- Environmental Exhibits or Art

  • PowerSHIFT = 14 students went

- How to create a youth voting bloc

* create bigger change by electing representatives

* be part of voter drives – coalition with WesDems

(10% registered to vote)

- How to see a movement through start to finish

* setting concrete, measurable goals

* find targets

* making events more powerful

- Revelation: you can do something!

* if we accomplish 50% reduction by 2050

- Food and climate change

* voluntary day a week in which you don’t eat = if all Americans did that, equivalent to taking 8 million cars off the road

- Mine campus for all resources on campus

* e.g. Gary Yohe, government professors

* engaging all groups (frats, republicans, etc)

- Environmental issues related to other important issues

* we don’t always build coalitions, see connections (e.g. War in Iraq)

- Session in which we broke out into state groups

* Trinity sent 50 students

* got a lot of contacts, will compile and share

  • New subcommittee = Beyond Wesleyan

- working on campaign; there is a bill for 35% reduction for car emissions

- phone-a-thon/email-a-thon at Usdan (we got 60 people to contact their reps; 30 senators got contacted)

  • Focus the Nation = Sunday 7 PM to talk about

- Met with Barry Chernoff; we have tentative schedule of speakers

- We would like to bring in headliner speakere

- Majora Carter = her mission of environmental justice
Meeting Times:

  • Procurement = Wed., 6PM, Usdan
  • Waste = Recycle Toss! Thurs., 11:30/12-1PM, Usdan
  • Events = Thurs., 12PM, Usdan
  • Energy = Thurs., 4:15PM, Science Library
  • Focus the Nation = Fri., 12PM, Usdan

31 people!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Minutes 5 November 2007

Meeting Minutes
blog has calendar
let's have a party
Long Lane Workday?
Still need someone to go through Freeman Center to assess enviro stuff--Julian, Sarah

Allan Comp--Speaker tomorrow (Tuesday) at 7:30 at Daniel Family Commons (super interdisciplinary--effects of coal, working with communities)
Sludge movie on Thurs.

Sam went to Yale Food conference thing

Step it Up happened kindof, despite the odds...yay! (can we get the picture?)

14 went to powershift this past weekend at U of Maryland
youth forum
went beyond rhetoric, usual discourse
enviro justice issues, how interconnected many issues are-->working together, building coalitions
mostly underclassmen went (props to them)

Sam met some people from Conn College who do similar things--they have an herb garden, buying cheap tea bags, selling herbs to make money for their group (cool idea--work with the farm?)

thurs 4:15 sci li energy
fri at 12 focus the nation
waste: wednesday at 12:25 at usdan info desk

friday 16th early evening eon party

next thursday is america recycles day

andres' idea: maximize paper usage
take all one-sided paper---make notebooks (cover with fun facts) to sell! use it to buy carbon credits

procurement is getting a printer for gooso paper in ST lab
problem: it's up to us to fill it with paper