Tuesday, September 18, 2007

First Official EON Meeting of the Year (9/18)

Icebreaker: Pick-up lines and vegetables

Announcements and Accomplishments
-Sustainability Committee formed
-Green Buildings Committee- focus on new Science Center
-Cage-free eggs at Weshop
-Tag Sale: Westuff sold for charity
-EON environmental film screenings
-Wes students conserving energy- “Do it in the Dark”
-EON blog (wesleyaneon.blogspot.com)
-Composting in most dining facilities
-President’s College Climate Commitment
[president meeting with Bill Nelligan (Environmental Health, Safety and Sustainability) on Oct. 23]

Dining Committee direct feedback to Tressa (teaton@wes)

Look for Climate Summits in D.C. and in Massachussetts
If interested, email Sarah(sreed@wes)

We have lots to work on & are behind comparable institutions!
For instance:
-Usdan and old squash courts lights
-Paper plates and plasticware at Usdan (let Tressa know when it happens!

The Plan: Four or Five Groups
-(Green Buildings)
-Procurement (Dining, Wes Products)
-Waste (Composting, Recycling)

Explanation of Individual Campaigns (for full list see previous meeting minutes on the EON blog!)

Next week: decide which groups to join and what campaigns to tackle! Bring your friends!

Science Center Committee Representative needed
contact Jacob, jmirsky or Greg, gsilver.

Sarah Reed will update contact information- thank you!

Facilitator for next week: Alex Provo

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