Thursday, September 13, 2007

Minutes 10 September 2007

Icebreaker – what you care about losing (regarding the environment)

Greg Silver = orientation session with frosh >> success
Tag sale proceeds = where are they going?
Activities fair Friday afternoon = sign up sheet went around
Group Recognition Ceremony = Sarah

Dining Rep Committee = Tressa Eaton
Sustainability Committee = Julien, Sarice, Elisa, Jacob, Nate
New Science Building = Jacob, Greg

Nate meets with Bill Nelligan = no progress
EON meets Roth, goes over American College and University Climate Agreement
-Constructive, but didn’t just sign it
Asked for two months (nov. 15 > then come kick my butt)
No Office of Sustainability
Doesn’t know much about Wes environmental stuff yet

Brainstorming session

• Saving Energy Campaign
o Do-It-In-The-Dark campaign
o Temperature in classroom and dorms
o Wasting energy campaign (e.g. TVs left on in Freeman, which lights are
for safety)
o Greenhouse gas inventory
o Laminated signs in all bathrooms for not wasting water
o People paying for utilities in senior houses

• Dining campaign
o Weshop: EON-approved stickers = carbon footprint
o No plastic bags at Weshop
o Reducing bottled water use on campus

• Organic flower garden + labeling campaign for native plants

• Events campaign

o Continuation of EON movie series
o Participate in Recyclemania!
o EON parties
o Monthly recycling survey
o D.C. Climate Summit = take a bus to
o WESTUFF tag sale planning

• Free bike program a la Paris

• Politics and outside Wes campaign
o Political candidate race for Middletown, presidential campaign
o Inter-school competition

• Wes relations
o Videos for campus center (about recycling)
o Giving space to eco-friendly vendors
o Get the blog running
o Email per month from EON, agree to recycle. Get them connected. Get
o WSA = post student polls, petitions for WSA, referenda for election
o Argus = environmental tip of the day, column
o Partnerning with Earth House, Long Lane

• Paper campaign
o GOOSO campaign! (in offices, in WSA)
o WSA should use 100% recycled paper campaign

• Green cleaning materials campaign

• Green building Initiative

o Make more public MB&B building progress
o Save Shanklin campaign?
o Sustainability website = influence

• Composting campaign

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