Monday, September 15, 2008

meeting minutes 9.15.08

meeting minutes 9.15

VEG OUT thursday at 6:30 in earth house : local, tasty food. come early for peach cobbler!

b of a
chalking at 4:30 outside 200 church tomorrow
email petrie.nick@gmail

buddhist house is seeking an inter-program house collaboration about spirituality and environmentalism (navee: nsidhu@wes)

activities fair

sustainability committee meeting on wednesday at 9 am in usdan 110 (?)
or, you can join a subcommittee

groups so far:

development (UR, alums, $$)
recycling/reuse (waste not, swaps, etc)
election '08
beyond wes (powervote, middletown)
beyeon(d) (campus ed, outreach, film, diitd, art)
institutional reform (bon appetit)

schedule meetings with roth and present what we're doing?

beyond wes: coal gasification plant in massachusetts, natural gas stuff, copenhagen climate talks, eli is going to the UN convention!

TO DO this week: calendar for your group, big goals

meeting times:
development: thurs. at 7 pm LoRise A6
waste: thurs at 12 at Usdan
election: thurs. at 12 at usdan
beyond wes (after the meeting)
beyeon: tues at 10 at outhouse
institutional reform: sun at 11 am at usdan

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